Pastor’s Pen

In the world of new and improved technology, we have become very dependent on modern technology and medication. These advancements have been a blessing from God allowing this great knowledge in doctors and nurses. We have become so accustomed to depending on this knowledge acquired by man, that we at times forget the Great Physician and His power! He can perform miracles when man has no solution. Even greater, God can perform a procedure that no man could ever perform, a spiritual surgery to change a heart of sin and wash it white as snow! Today, whether you need a physical or spiritual miracle, call on the One that can make all things possible! Call out to the Great Physician for your every need! One preacher has said, “The altar is a surgery table where the Great Physician performs miracles!” Lay your life on the altar and allow God to perform His work!

Pastor’s Pen

My parents warned me years ago. Especially when I began to earn my own money and began to see the glitter of all the special things present out on the market. They warned me, “If it seems too good to be true, it most likely is too good to be true”. We have all heard of schemes to lose weight, get rich quick, gain muscle without working out, snake oil to heal what ails you, and a multitude of other “too good to be true” offers. I have discovered a particular offer that sounds too good to be true, but in reality, keeps the promise that it makes. It is the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Matthew Henry said, “The gospel is good news, worthy of all acceptation, and yet not too good to be true”. How wonderful to know that the news announced to a hillside in Bethlehem is still good news to be proclaimed today and has given us eternal life. Let’s go spread the Good News!!  Jesus Saves!! 

Pastor’s Pen

Have you ever heard the saying, “A penny for your
thought?” I have always felt that my thoughts aren’t worth much if
they are only worth a penny. But my consideration of that has
been, what does my mind dwell on? The Holy Word of God tells
us that we should pray continually and to be ready at all times
looking for the glorious return of Jesus Christ! The Bible also
explains that a wandering mind is a dangerous mind to have. The
mind that is not thinking on the good things of God, the devil will
surely and gladly fill with the things of this world! There is much
to be said for our prayer life, Bible reading, devotional time and
time with God! But what of our thought life! May we allow the
Holy Spirit of God to reign in our mortal bodies and not allow the
enemy to grasp a hold on our mind! The book of Philippians tells
us to “think on these things.” I encourage you to commit
Philippians 4:8 to memory.

Pastor’s Pen


In society today, many of the Christian people have been labeled as intolerant and bigoted. When we stand for the principles that God has laid out for us, we are told we are the problem. This should be no surprise. Scripture tells us that this would occur. Evil is now called good and praised and good is now called evil. Child of God, stand for what your Heavenly Father has set before you. Do not compromise! For we shall have a reward for faithfulness in glory one day soon!


Pastor’s Pen

It has been a tremendous week at Calvary Baptist Church! The vacation Bible school was a great time of teaching children about the book of Proverbs and what it teaches about how we use our ears, hearts, tongues, hands and feet for Jesus! These are not only great lessons to teach, but the Bible is speaking to the adults as well! God’s Word is wonderful! It is for more than children! Read it daily!

Pastor’s Pen

The goodness and mercy of God are so amazing to me.  The Psalms repeat over and over that “His mercy and goodness endureth forever”.  I am so glad that I can always rely on the mercy and goodness of God.  First when I was saved by the blood of His precious Son.  And now each day as I live, I experience the mercy and goodness of God each day!  Rejoice, for He is good!

Pastor’s Pen


Scripture teaches us that every good gift comes from above!  God has been gracious to give many gifts to His people.  The gift we celebrate today is the gift of the loving, caring, kind and compassionate mother!  To each lady that has nurtured a child and shown them the love of Christ, we say thank you and may you all have a wonderful Mother’s Day!

Pastor’s Pen

The momentum on the train of time is picking up.  Today marks the last day of four months of the year 2017.  Time moves forward whether you are ready or not.  So today, let us take an inventory of what we have done for God.  Are we soul winning?  Are we working and looking for the kingdom of God?  Time is short and not slowing down, let’s work for God!

Faithful Friday

It has been said that we must look to God because all men will fail us at some time.  While it is a wonderful privilege to have a godly example on earth, we must remember that all men are robed in flesh.  The flesh will attack and no man has the power to overcome the flesh in his own power.  We must depend on God to sustain our faithfulness.  Psalms 12:1 says, “for the faithful fall from among the children of men.”  But the first two words of the verse is key, “Help, Lord”.  If we try to live the faithful life within our own power, we will fail!  Our faithfulness is dependent upon each day asking for the Lord to help.  He is our strength and our rock on which we stand!  He is also the One that grants us faith to remain in the fight!  Is your faithfulness weak?  Ask, “Help, Lord”.  

Pastor’s Pen


The Bible is full of illustrations.  In the book of Proverbs, the ant used to show the need for us to be working during this time of harvest.  The days are swiftly passing and the Lord is coming therefore, we must be working.  Our work is to tell a lost world that Jesus saves and He is the only way!  What are you working for?  Are you telling the world about Jesus!  Go and tell!

Faithful Friday

God reveals Himself to man that man can know the lost condition that he is in and then have the knowledge to the way of salvation.  After salvation, the Christian has much more to accomplish.  We are not to receive salvation and the proceed back to our own way of life.  We are to live completely for Him because we have become a child of God, property of God! First Corinthians shows us that we are not our own, we are bought with the price of the blood of Jesus Christ!  We and all that we possess are His!  This includes our earthly possessions.  We merely are stewards of what He has blessed us with.  A steward is merely a manager of his Masters possessions and we are to manage those things wisely.  Our materials blessings are only for us to manage in such a way as to bring glory and honor to the heavenly Father.  There is a requirement for being God’s steward, we are to be faithful to Him.  We are to faithful to Him and His desires.  The more faithful we are, the more responsibility He gives.  If you find yourself having little manage for God then we must examine ourselves and ask s it because of our lack of faithfulness to God?  How much or how little we manage is related to our faithfulness to God!  Stay faithful to the Master!

Monday Minute

I recently was walking in the hallway of a hotel and saw a sign that read:
If it is
Important to you,
You will
Find a way.
If not, you will find
An Excuse
That sign so struck me!  How many times have we claimed that we do not have time for a certain task?  Am I really just saying that the certain task is not important to me?  When we begin to look through the lens of importance, where does that place the things of God?  Importance = time.  The popular saying is “Time = money”.  It is true that if you look at your calendar and your bank register, you will find the things held dearest to your heart!  Allow me then to ask a few questions. 
Do you have time to pray?
Do you have time to read God’s Word?
Do you have time to attend church?
Allow me to phrase the same question from a different perspective:
Is prayer important to you?
Is God’s Word important to you?
 Is attending church important to you?
Let’s ask God to help us place our time and importance on what really matters.  It will only take a minute!

Pastor’s Pen

The people of God are asked to give on many occasions.  The country we live in is a generous nation, to which I credit the people of God.  There is a much more valuable commodity we can give than the monetary gift.  This is prayer.  Preachers, missionaries & ministry leaders all ask of a simple gift that costs you nothing.  Give the gift of prayer for those in need.  A preacher recently said to me, “Prayer is worth more than money.” What could God do with praying people? Let us band together and see what great and might things God has in store for His people!

Faithful Friday

Our society teaches polar opposite principles to biblical truth.  Questions are asked such as: “How big is your house?’ or “How big is your bank account?”  The questions always begins, “How BIG?”  The church is at times guilty of misapplying principles to intangible goods of this world.  These individuals will ask, “How big is your Sunday School, choir or Sunday attendance?”  When the reply is less than impressive, the world would ask why we waste our time on something so small.  The answer is simply being faithful to what God has given us.  Jesus never ask how big the congregation was or how big the offering is at the ministry before ministering to the people on earth.  When our days are accomplished on earth and we stand before the Lord, He will not ask how BIG, but how faithful?  I do not minimize numbers because numbers represent souls to be ministered to, but the question is not how big the ministry as it is how faithful to your ministry for God you are.  According to Luke 19:17, there is a reward for faithfulness.  Stay faithful in your ministry for the Lord, for He sees your faithfulness!

Monday Minute

There seems to be a rush to obtain.  Many will rush to obtain the things of this world, the accolades, fame, fortune, and even health.  Hours each week are devoted to the pursuit of impressing others, working to be known, the endless pursuit of promotion and climbing of the corporate ladder.  Hours are also given to a gym to obtain the ideal body.  These are the top of the priority lists for millions on the earth.  As Christians, we must set our affections on the eternal and not the temporal.  I dare not say that working and earning a living and taking care of our body is unimportant, but these things must not supersede our pursuit of God.  We should have a hunger and thirst after righteousness (Matt. 5:6).  Take a minute today and ask if you truly long for the things of God.  Are you storing your treasures on earth where they will pass away, or are you laying up treasures in heaven where nothing of this world can touch them?  As A.W. Tozar wrote, :  “I want deliberately to encourage this mighty longing after God”.