Pastor’s Pen

          Praise the Lord it is Resurrection Sunday!  The thought of a God descending to earth and becoming a lowly man is amazing enough.  It is amazing to think that God would come and robe Himself in flesh. But a phrase in the Bible catches my attention.  The Bible states that as He was in the garden of Gethsemane, “He went a little further”. This phrase shows that Jesus didn’t just robe Himself in flesh.  Jesus did not only volunteer to be placed on a cruel cross. Jesus did not only become sin for us. Jesus did not only die for us. He went a little further.  Further than any other could go. He rose again! On that third and glorious day, Jesus went further! He got up from the grave and has delivered us from our sins!  No other could go this far, only the Only Begotten could work this mighty miracle! Praise the One that is Worthy!

Monday Minute

           Today is the day in America that people will be rushing to the post office to postmark their income tax forms.  Some will owe additional taxes while others will receive a refund for over payment through the year.  Many will fret about what they owe the government.  As Jesus told us to render unto Caesar what is Caesars, we should pay the taxes and pay what we owe.  But how often do we take into account what we owe the Lord?  We have been purchased with a terrific price.  The price wast the Son of God to die on a cross for our sins.  We owe God everything.  God gave everything that He might redeem us to Himself!!  The deadline is here for taxes for the year of 2018.  Take account to day of what God has done for you and what amazing grace He has bestowed on you!!

Pastor’s Pen

April is the wonderful time of the year that the flowers begin to bloom and the showers are abundant to nourish new life.  The animal life begin to do the work of pollination. What seemed dead now comes to life. The Bible speaks of differing times in our lives. During the spring, the sun shines longer, the buds of spring burst forth and the world comes alive. Allow this spring be the time that a spiritual spring take place in your life!  Turn your heart to the Son of God the true Light that He might cause wondrous blessing to burst forth. Allow the Holy Spirit to water your thirsty soul, and read the Word to give new life to your evangelistic life. Emerge yourself in so much of the things of God that people recognize that you have been with the God of all!  

Monday Minute

          Beware to the gullible!  Today is the day where millions will try to play the greatest pranks and practical jokes.  These pranks have appeared in various forms!  Taco Bell claimed that they had purchased the Liberty Bell in 1996.  In 1980, the BBC reported that the iconic Big Ben was going to be transformed into a digital clock.  Those that “fell” for the practical jokes felt very foolish.  The Bible has much to say on the subject of foolishness and fools!  Psalms 14:1 says, “The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God.”  Satan has played a great hoax on millions of people.  There is soon coming a day when those that have fallen for the deceit of Satan will realize their mistake.  Believing the lie of the great deceiver!  May we take to heart the need to evangelize the millions in need!  Pray for opportunity to proclaim the gospel!

Pastor’s Pen

          Have you ever felt as if your schedule was what is running your life?  We all are part of a fast paced world that is not slowing down for any that would dare to slow.  If you question this, simply take a leisurely drive around interstate 285! We all have schedules to keep.  Schedules for our meetings, appointments, school, work, even appointments for leisure time. Schedule for church and study time, prayer time.  Many lives are so scheduled we come to assume that God has a schedule as well. Then, catastrophe strikes! Our schedule is blown. We begin to wonder why God hasn’t stepped in and placed us on His schedule to take care of us.  The blessing is that God is not on a daily schedule. God does not need to “make time” for us! He is already there and knows what is needed. We need to live on His schedule and see His mighty hand at work in our life! His ways are not our ways!

Pastor’s Pen


Have you hit your growth spurt yet?  I know what many of you may be thinking at this moment.  “How many children and teens does this poor preacher think actually read his writings?”  I am not speaking of your physical growth. Most have stopped growing up and have begun to grow out.  But I am speaking of our spiritual growth. As we do grow to a certain point in our physical life and stop, that should not be the case in our spiritual life. We should continue to grow and to learn and become more and more mature in the Lord. Unlike your physical growth, spiritual growth doesn’t just happen.  Spiritual growth must be a desire and purposefully pursued. So have you hit a time that God has opened the portals of heaven and touched your life with a deeper relationship? If not, it is not too late. I encourage you to begin this journey today! Talk with Him, walk with Him, grow in Him and He in you!

Monday Minute

          How valuable is a minute to you?  At face value, most people would begin to think in monetary forms.  We think of the hourly rate in which we receive and begin to divide this by 60.  But is a minute only worth a monetary value? Wealth is something that is fluctuating in value. This is according to where you live, how much you earn and many other variables.  If we dwell on eternal values, a minute is worth much more than approximately 12 cents to the minimum wage earner. As we live in this hour, each person has 60 minutes. In the course of a day, we will have 1,440 minutes.  A week is equal to 10,080 minutes. Each passing minute can never be regained. It is in the past never to come again. A minute with loved ones is worth more than a minute at a place of employment. A minute with God is of the greatest value of all.  Minutes serving the Lord are laying treasures of heaven that have no equal on earth. What is the value of this minute? Can this minute change your outlook on the rest of your life? Consider your walk with the Lord. Can you give Him just a minute? He gave His life that you might live.  This minute could lead to the devotion to the Savior for a lifetime!

Pastor’s Pen

          Praise the Lord for the wonderful revival meetings that we were able to host here at our church.  This past week has truly been a blessing to me and I trust to each of the people of Calvary Baptist Church.  We also had many that visited from other churches and I am thankful that there are churches that still serve the same God, preach the same Word and worship the same Savior!  The week of meetings may have come to an end, but revival can still continue and become stronger in our hearts and lives. I urge you to continue in your prayers for a revival to sweep across our church and the surrounding churches and throughout the nation!  Take the wonderful messages that we have been blessed with and apply them to your heart! Go back and refresh your heart this week and listen to them again. Seek to find revival in your heart and where God is working in your life!

Pastor’s Pen

          Praise the Lord, the time set aside for our revival meetings has arrived!  We have been much in prayer for these meetings and the men that will bring the Word of God to us each service!  I have great confidence in these men that God has called into the ministry and I am looking forward to a time of refreshing, reviving and renewing in our church, community and country!  Every revival begins with a few believers searching out God in prayer and a congregation seeking for the Word of God to be proclaimed! This is such a time for our church and our congregation can be where revival begins!  Thank you for your continued prayer and seeking after God! Invite your friends and family to be a part of this revival, only God knows the blessings that we will receive!

Pastor’s Pen


        Revival is so needed in our country, state, county, city, and congregation!  This has been on my heart for a time and I have been praying that God would lead and direct a time for a revival meeting.  The time that God placed on my heart is just seven days away. We have made all the preparations that we can. We have men of God ready to come and preach the Word of God!  A readiness is far more than plans of the meetings. Just as I ask each member to be ready for every service, I want you to be ready for revival! Spend time in prayer that God would ready you for what He has planned in this revival.  We have been challenged to pray daily for our revival meetings, for the preachers that preach, for the songs which are sung, for conviction to move a people to humble themselves, pray more, seek God, and turn from the wicked ways of this world!  Revival is still possible! Be ready for God to move!

Monday Minute

          Including today, we have just 13 days until our revival meetings begin!  We are searching for more than a series of meetings, but we are praying for God to move in a great and mighty way.  We must humble ourselves and seek God and commit ourselves to to begging God to move greatly!  Would you please join us to pray for this revival?  We seek revival not only for our congregation and homes within our church, but for God to sweep across the country and save the lost, call men and women into service for Him.  We desire to see a generation that is content to be stirred again!  Revival fires can be stirred and embers can blow across our nation and the entire world.  We must ask God to perform His work.  Take a moment this Monday, pray for revival!

Pastor’s Pen

          We are immersed in an ever changing world!  The climate in which we are in the midst of is one of ever changing beliefs and a shift in the values we once knew as a nation.  The world in which I was raised was a world that taught a generation to question everything. Now that this is common and accepted, we now live in a world in which morals and values are conditional or specific to each individual.  Further, we are now in a world that now says truth is relative to each individual. Truth is not relative nor is it conditional, truth is truth and will always be truth. Truth does not change. We can find solace in the fact that Jesus Christ has revealed in His Word that He is truth and He does not nor will not change!  This is something we can stand on! We can stand boldly and proclaim the truth! We can proclaim Jesus Christ to a lost world in need of the Savior! Do not fear those that mock, ridicule and persecute! Stand on the truth, Jesus Christ!

Monday Minute

          The most frequently used name used for the Bible is the “Word of God”.  Most people use this as a phrase to mean the teaching of God, which is true!  But this phrase contains much more!  We must recall what is possible with the Word of God.  The book of Genesis reads, “And God said, ‘Let there be light”, and there was light’.”  In the New Testament book of Hebrews we understand that the worlds were formed by the Word of God.  This is amazing when we realize the power of God’s Word!  God’s Word has the power to bring something into existence!  We are further amazed when we realize that God has given us His inspired Word!  When you pick up that wonderful Book divine today, take a minute to think of how powerful His Word is!

Pastor’s Pen

We serve an absolutely amazing God!  He is gracious, loving, caring, and attentive to each of us!  As we travel down life’s pathway, God desires to be with us each step of the way!  I was amazed at how God worked just recently in what seemed to be a small way but could have an eternal effect.  I had been praying about how to reach a young man from China. He was receptive and respectful to my witnessing but the language barrier still existed.  I had prayed for God to open a door in some way to reach this young man. I opened the mail from a missionary that is in China. In this package was a track in English and then several others in Chinese.  Along with these tracks was a note that read, “To help you reach the people of China in your area.” I had to praise God and be amazed at His working out this witnessing tool. I am praying that this young man will be reached by this track, and I am amazed at how great my God is!

Pastor’s Pen

          Competition can be a wonderful quality that can be very helpful.  Competition seems to be a major factor in our country. From the most common of sports entertainment to the very economy which is driven by competition.  Competition drives the individual to be better, to work harder to move further. My question is, what is competing for your time for God? The time that God desires you to give to Him, your Bible time, prayer time, devotion time, to even your church time?  The enemy is in competition with our Savior. He is trying to gain your attention with all he can to distract and deter you from the time that God desires. So when you look at the scoreboard, what is the score in your life? Does Satan have a lead? I will not encourage you to allow God to even the score, I encourage you that God have first place at all times in your life!  Make it happen today!