How valuable is a minute to you? At face value, most people would begin to think in monetary forms. We think of the hourly rate in which we receive and begin to divide this by 60. But is a minute only worth a monetary value? Wealth is something that is fluctuating in value. This is according to where you live, how much you earn and many other variables. If we dwell on eternal values, a minute is worth much more than approximately 12 cents to the minimum wage earner. As we live in this hour, each person has 60 minutes. In the course of a day, we will have 1,440 minutes. A week is equal to 10,080 minutes. Each passing minute can never be regained. It is in the past never to come again. A minute with loved ones is worth more than a minute at a place of employment. A minute with God is of the greatest value of all. Minutes serving the Lord are laying treasures of heaven that have no equal on earth. What is the value of this minute? Can this minute change your outlook on the rest of your life? Consider your walk with the Lord. Can you give Him just a minute? He gave His life that you might live. This minute could lead to the devotion to the Savior for a lifetime!