Monday Minute

There seems to be a rush to obtain.  Many will rush to obtain the things of this world, the accolades, fame, fortune, and even health.  Hours each week are devoted to the pursuit of impressing others, working to be known, the endless pursuit of promotion and climbing of the corporate ladder.  Hours are also given to a gym to obtain the ideal body.  These are the top of the priority lists for millions on the earth.  As Christians, we must set our affections on the eternal and not the temporal.  I dare not say that working and earning a living and taking care of our body is unimportant, but these things must not supersede our pursuit of God.  We should have a hunger and thirst after righteousness (Matt. 5:6).  Take a minute today and ask if you truly long for the things of God.  Are you storing your treasures on earth where they will pass away, or are you laying up treasures in heaven where nothing of this world can touch them?  As A.W. Tozar wrote, :  “I want deliberately to encourage this mighty longing after God”.