Pastor’s Corner

Today is the beginning of daylight savings time. The negative of this is that we all lost an hour of sleep. The positive is that we have another hour of light in our life. What if we take that to our personal life? Is there anything we could gain by giving up one hour? The list could be endless. Many people give up an hour of sleep to get up and exercise. This is tremendously helpful to us. Some give up an hour of sleep to get tasks done at work that they can spend more time with their family! Let us take the sacrifice of one hour and apply it to our spiritual walk. What if we spent an hour in the Word of God? What if we spent an hour in prayer? We lost an hour of sleep that we can have an extra hour of daylight, why not give up an hour to receive some of the true light. The illumination on our soul that can help us touch another’s life. An hour for God’s light? What a deal! What are you willing to do to get a little extra light in your life?