Pastor’s Corner

Prayer is something that is a necessity in the Christian life. Prayer is our communication to God. Yet, very little emphasis is placed on this vital part of our Christian walk. Even individuals that do not regularly attend church know the importance of prayer. Leaders, in time of distress, have requested prayer. Today is not only the day of worship, but it is a day of prayer for the Christian. We are living in perilous times. We are surrounded on all fronts and are being attacked by enemies seen and unseen. Today is the day to turn to God, fall on our faces and pray. Pray, not vain repetitions, not a rehearsed speech, not great swelling words of emptiness, but true prayer. Truly calling out to God for revival, for repentance, for reliance on Him and most importantly, for a great move of the Holy Spirit! If we the church place the emphasis on the power of effectual fervent prayer, we will see God move! Decide today that you will give yourself to the great responsibility of prayer!