Pastor’s Pen

          How far is your reach? Recently, there was an item that I was reaching for and I could only get my fingertips to the surface of the item.  It came to mind how hard I was stretching to reach that desired item. Do I stretch myself for the Lord? Do we try to extend our reach for Jesus or are we content with watching some things pass by without reaching for them?    Is your reach limited to a few people in your home? Is it limited to those people that are in your family? It may be limited to those people that we attend church with each worship service at our church. But our reach should be much further than those that enter into these four walls.  Yes, reach what is here but do we reach to touch others for Jesus’ sake every day? Our ministry has been given to us to use for the glory of God. Our ministry should not begin and end with the worship services, it must be a part of our everyday life! So go on and reach another this week.  Stretch to see just how far you can be used!