Welcome to February! Where the focus of the world is football and love! The “big game” is held here in our area and the fans have traveled from all around. In a few days, there will be proclamations of love and proposals for marriage. The world daily peers into itself for gratification and approval. States are now celebrating the fact that promiscuity can be indulged in without the fear of consequences of those decisions. Love has turned into a physical act rather than the true aspect of respect, affection and devotion. I am so thankful that we serve a living Savior that has displayed what love truly is and I have experienced His love. I am thankful that I am part of the bride of Christ and there is coming a day in which a great contest will need no clock, officials, or advertisements! It is a time in which the all powerful God of this universe will display His power and authority and rule over all! Every knee will bow, and every tongue confess!! He is Lord!!