Pastor’s Pen


Have you hit your growth spurt yet?  I know what many of you may be thinking at this moment.  “How many children and teens does this poor preacher think actually read his writings?”  I am not speaking of your physical growth. Most have stopped growing up and have begun to grow out.  But I am speaking of our spiritual growth. As we do grow to a certain point in our physical life and stop, that should not be the case in our spiritual life. We should continue to grow and to learn and become more and more mature in the Lord. Unlike your physical growth, spiritual growth doesn’t just happen.  Spiritual growth must be a desire and purposefully pursued. So have you hit a time that God has opened the portals of heaven and touched your life with a deeper relationship? If not, it is not too late. I encourage you to begin this journey today! Talk with Him, walk with Him, grow in Him and He in you!