Pastor’s Pen

          Have you ever felt as if your schedule was what is running your life?  We all are part of a fast paced world that is not slowing down for any that would dare to slow.  If you question this, simply take a leisurely drive around interstate 285! We all have schedules to keep.  Schedules for our meetings, appointments, school, work, even appointments for leisure time. Schedule for church and study time, prayer time.  Many lives are so scheduled we come to assume that God has a schedule as well. Then, catastrophe strikes! Our schedule is blown. We begin to wonder why God hasn’t stepped in and placed us on His schedule to take care of us.  The blessing is that God is not on a daily schedule. God does not need to “make time” for us! He is already there and knows what is needed. We need to live on His schedule and see His mighty hand at work in our life! His ways are not our ways!