Pastor’s Pen

     My phone has an app that sends me news about the latest issues in the world.  It notifies me of stories that range from political pieces to sports. Within these stories will inevitably be a new catastrophe of a “reality star” and their sad commentary or outrage of the issue at hand.  I wonder, how much is really “reality” and how much is staged for ratings and hits on the internet? These individuals are in the center of attention because they know how to stay in the center of attention. Simply put, much of it is performance.  That concern made me ponder the people in churches around the country. I wonder how much is real Christianity or how much is performance? How many church attenders are impressive performers and not pursuers of Jesus Christ? Take account of our own life.  Are we pursuing Christ-likeness, or are we performing for the audiences? Our life should not be fake reality for Christ but a genuine outpouring of Christ within us!