Pastor’s Pen

     Calendars are so important to us today.  They have been made available in various ways.  Some prefer the planner calendar. Others prefer the pocket calendar.  There are many that prefer the digital calendar that can be synced across their various devices.  With our calendars we can mark the important dates and events that are approaching such as birthdays, anniversaries, holidays or a special event.  As we look at our calendar, we prepare for those events around the corner. There is one event that should be atop every calendar event because it is imminent!  The return of our Lord and Savior could be today! We do not know the date or the time but we must be prepared for His return! I am excited as I think of how we could see Jesus today!  How about you? Are looking forward to His return? Are you prepared for His return? Do you have room in your calendar for Him? Today is a wonderful day to make preparations and welcome Jesus into your life!