“Do you remember when…?” This is a question that we hear at a family gathering, a time of fellowship with friends and is usually followed by a great story. The human nature will always desire to revert back and bring forward those wonderful times memories of times past. It is just our nature. Families will gather and reminisce of times past. Friends will role back in laughter over times in the past. But time is gone. We can never relive the moment that just past. It is gone forever. When we look at the passing time in this light, it gives new meaning to how we spend each moment.Every second of every day is precious. How are we spending our valuable time? Is it spending time with our Lord? Are we spending time with our families with our Lord? The day is long spent and time is swiftly passing by! Decide today that you will spend your time for the Lord! Look back at the closing of life and say “Remember when” instead of “I wish I had.”