Pastor’s Pen

Today in 1743, the very first Christian publication in America was made available.  “The Christian History” stated it’s objective on the top of the page.  “We heartily rejoice to see and hear of the revival both in Great Britain and America.  May revival fires once again sweep across our land!  “Wilt Thou not revive us again”.  Psalm 85:6.

Faithful Friday

An icon was born on July 6, 1916.  The portrait of Uncle Sam was created for the issue of “Leslie’s Weekly”.  The portrait simply stated three words under Uncle Sam, “I Want You”.  This American symbol was looking for faithful men to serve in the armed forces of America.  This was a call to stop talking and start working!  In Proverbs 20:16, the question is posed, “a faithful man who can find?”  God has been asking and searching down through the ages for the faithful few.  Can God place you on that list of faithful servants?  Are you faithful to Him in all things?  Are you faithful in your time with Him and prayer to Him?  God is standing with open arms today saying, ,”I want you”.  All of you.  Be faithful to God, for He will be faithful to you!

Pastor’s Pen

Trials and tribulations are part of this life we live but don’t you get tired of dwelling on the negative?  As a born again Christian that has placed my trust in Jesus Christ, I have much more to look forward to than to dwell on down here!  I have salvation that neither man, nor power can take from me!  I have a home promised to me as a child of God!  A home that cannot be reached by fire, flood, rust or moth to corrupt it!  I have a Savior that has promised that He would never leave nor forsake me while walking thru this life!  So, Praise God, child of God!  We’ve got so much more to look forward to!

Pastor’s Pen

Life seems to rush at a rate of speed that none can be prepared.  In this rush of living we tire of many things.  Galatians 6:9 says, “And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”  This warning to the believer is to stay the course.  Keep running the race.  There is a reward at the end of the course.  I encourage you today to run with all you have!  Lean on Jesus when the hill to climb is steep and the ground below you seems to be sinking sand.  For He is the solid rock on which we can stand!  Faint not, do not give up on God, for He has not given up on you!

Faithful Friday

There is much to be said about faithfulness.  Simply put, it is a steadfastness, stability, dependability and consistency.  We, as Christians, are called to be faithful in our service for the Lord.  In Nehemiah 7:2, men were placed in authority because of their faithfulness.  Nehemiah had confidence in Hanani and Hananiah that these men would perform their duties faithfully and stay the course no matter the circumstances.  Much turmoil had surrounded the building of the wall in Jerusalem and many adversaries worked tirelessly to see the demise of the wall and continued effort!  There was much more than just the construction of the wall.  Now there was a maintaining of what had been constructed that required the faithful to then take responsibility for and steadfast care.  Where do you fall in God’s list of faithful servants?  Can He depend on you and call you faithful?  

Monday Minute

I am amazed at how much can take place in just a minute.  If you don’t believe me, just ask the Falcons (ouch).  One minute is not just another 60 seconds gone in our life, but each minute we are given is a gift from God!  This gift comes with responsibility as to how we spend each of those minutes we are given.  We can choose to waste them and do nothing with them.  We can choose to use them to serve our own desires or we can choose to serve the Lord, pray or worship God or even tell others about the Lord.  It is up to you how you spend the time you have!  Our Bible teaches us to redeem the time and be accountable for how we spend our time.  There is a purpose for the time you have!  Choose wisely how you spend your gift from God! 

Pastor’s Pen

Have you ever endured a storm?  Have you ever lost power in a storm?  Have you ever looked across the street and wondered why your neighbor has power?  Most likely, it is because they have a source of power on the inside that does not depend on the outside circumstances!  The tempest comes and knocks out the power or the delivery system of the power. But if you do not need the outside source you need not worry about the storm!  Our body is the temple of God and that means we have a power on the inside that does not depend on what is going on around us!  Remember that we have a power inside that will take us through the storm!  We have a power that will keep the lights burning in the night time!  We have a power that will turn the heat on in the cold!  That power is a gift from heaven directly from the Father.  Like the song writer said, “I have a source!”

Pastor’s Pen

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The New Year is upon us! This time of year seems to give a since of freshness and newness. Many will be caught up in a new dedication to some diet, workout regiment or financial plan, but let the people of God be dedicated to what really matters! Let our congregation dedicate ourselves to serving our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Pastor’s Corner

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I recently read a letter from one of the church’s supported missionaries to India. Today, the people of India celebrate the festival of lights and will light candles all throughout their homes. They will make sure that every area of their home has light. The reason for this celebration is that they believe and are taught that all evil spirits can be driven out by the light and the homes can be cleansed. Further, they believe that the prosperity goddess will bring new blessings as she will see her way to their home as it is lit. What the people of India do not realize as they celebrate today, they have left the true light out. I am so glad that I know the true light and He has given eternal life to me! They work so one of their gods will see them and bless them! Jesus saw me in the darkness of sin that had wrapped around my soul and He cast the light of His love that we might see Him and His way! Pray for these missionaries and the people of India that they may see the True Light!



Pastor’s Corner

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I honestly am not the world’s greatest fisherman!  I thought fishing was easy.  Put a hook on the line and throw it in the water.  A fish swims by, jumps on the hook and gives it a tug to tell me to reel it in.  I was mistaken.  I recently went fishing with my boys where I began to cast, reel and repeat. The boys on the other hand, threw the line in, got bored and jumped in the water to play.  I caught a couple small fish and was proud of my success even telling the boys that they should have continued with me.  It was then we saw one of their poles swimming away.  When retrieved, it was a large bass on the end of the line dwarfing my catches.  The Lord brought to mind that it was not the passing lure that caught the attention of the fish.  It was the constant temptation that caught the fish.  Satan will place a temptation and let it sit and wait for you.  We need to guard ourselves of allowing temptation to stay in our lives.  One day, we will not be able to pass by with a glance but take the bait hook, line and sinker.  What may be in our life that we need to pass by and leave for good?  Remove these temptations from your daily walk before it’s too late!

Monday Minute

Never Forgetting 
John 10:11 I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth His life for the sheep.
A great Statue of Liberty stand high in New York Harbor. This is an emblem of the freedom that we as Americans enjoy. Many from other parts of the world long to see the great statue and enjoy the freedom of America. We are thank for the men and women that have sacrificed all that we might be free to have life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The statue stand that we can be reminded that freedom is most certainly not free. There is another statue that stands across many churches in America. Unfortunately, we have become accustom and some think of it as a decoration and not an emblem. This statue is the Cross of Christ! That is where the sins of the world were paid and we might all be made free. As we never forget those that have sacrificed in time war for our earthly freedom, may we never forget the One that paid the sacrifice that we might have eternal freedom and life!

Pastor’s Corner

(Sharefaith App Image)     Christ is the example for which we strive to live our lives. After all, those that place their trust in Him are called Christians. The original meaning of Christian was to be a little Christ or Christ-like and this is the goal for all Christians. If this is the case then we must base our lives on His life! We should strive to do as He did and serve as He did! Jesus did the will of the Father and likewise, we too should do the will of the Father. When looking closely, we find marks of the life of Jesus that are foreign to the western mindset. He had no home nor did He have an income. He simply trusted the Father would provide His every need and Jesus focused on His service for God the Father. What is our focus on? Are we more concerned with the day’s activities than serving God? Are we to busy to allow God to show us His will? Decide today that you will focus on what God has in store! It will be a blessing!

Pastor’s Corner

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Faith is best defined in the book of Hebrews. There in Hebrews 11, verse one says, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Some take this verse and try to use it as a proof text that we blindly go through life. Even some others try to define faith by one having the knowledge that God can. This is a great thought but it is more than just knowledge in your head that He is able. Ability does not assure that it will be done only that He is able. Faith earnestly believes that not only God can but also that He will. God can do anything. He is able to do “abundantly above all that we ask or think” (Eph.3:20). Faith believes He will. So let me ask you, what about your faith? Do you believe God can or do you believe that God will? God is looking for those that will stand on a faith that God will
perform what He promised!

Pastor’s Corner

The human body is an amazing creation. God created this system to function as a unit. What we see is just the outer covering of skin, but the inside is what makes the body work. The organs, muscles and amazingly, the skeleton work together. God created the body so effectively that we pattern buildings after this masterpiece. Framing supports and other components are in the frame to use the functions of the building. All we see is a beautifully painted, carpeted, conditioned and lit room. When you peel away these components, the house, or the body, is not attractive. We cover some things that will never been seen on the outside. Jesus told the Pharisees that they were good on the outside, but the inside was the problem. Many people today can fool others with acting, talking, and walking like a Christian, but we cannot fool God! Make sure that Christianity is not just an outward facade for you. Make sure that you have on the inside what really matters, Jesus!

Pastor’s Corner

Is there not a cause? This is a question that David asked his brothers when he was bringing goods to them. They accused him of wanting to see the battle but he was sent for a purpose. I wonder what cause each of us has been sent to perform. We each have a duty before God to perform and it is imperative that we do just what we have been sent to do for God’s glory! We all know that David was sent to stand before the Philistines and slay to giant Goliath. What have we been sent to do for God? Are we to witness? Are we to be a prayer warrior? Are we to be a light to a lost and dying world? Are we to be salt? Each of these are commands of God that we are placed in the place we are and the time we are living. Many question why they are on earth, my answer is simple. We are to serve God with all our might! Are you serving Him today?